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Pourquoi sortir le pied de la couette est-il si efficace ?

Pourquoi le fait de sortir le pied de la couette nous refroidit-il quasi instantanément ? Pourquoi le pied ? Cela ne fait pas le même effet avec le genou ou le bras. Découvrons ce que le pied à de spécial... S'abonner à la newsletter : Vidéo de la gagnante du concours de l'ambassade de France au Canada : Mon"> Mon"> Mon livre "Le monde a des racines carrées" : SOUTENIR"> SOUTENIR"> SOUTENIR SCILABUS uTip :">"> Tipeee :">"> Patreon :">"> SUIVRE SCILABUS YouTube : Instagram : @viviane_scilabus Twitter :">"> Facebook : MON MATÉRIEL REMERCIEMENTS -"> REMERCIEMENTS -"> REMERCIEMENTS - Pierre Kerner - Primum non nocere - Marianne Lalande - Manuel Vonthron SOURCES Sessler, D. I. (2008). Temperature monitoring and perioperative thermoregulation. Anesthesiology, 109(2), 318–338. Sangiorgi,"> Sangiorgi,"> Sangiorgi, S., Manelli, A., Congiu, T., Bini, A., Pilato, G., Reguzzoni, M., & Raspanti, M. (2004). Microvascularization of the human digit as studied by corrosion casting. Journal of Anatomy, 204(2), 123–131. Romanovsky,"> Romanovsky,"> Romanovsky, A. A. (2014). Skin temperature: Its role in thermoregulation. Acta Physiologica, 210(3), 498–507. Flavahan,"> Flavahan,"> Flavahan, N. A. (2015). A vascular mechanistic approach to understanding Raynaud phenomenon. Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 11(3), 146–158. Vanggaard,"> Vanggaard,"> Vanggaard, L., Kuklane, K., Holmer, I., & Smolander, J. (2012). Thermal responses to whole-body cooling in air with special reference to arteriovenous anastomoses in fingers. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 32(6), 463–469. Chloros,"> Chloros,"> Chloros, G. D., Smerlis, N. N., Li, Z., Smith, T. L., Smith, B. P., & Koman, L. A. (2008). Noninvasive Evaluation of Upper-Extremity Vascular Perfusion. Journal of Hand Surgery, 33(4), 591–600. Tansey,"> Tansey,"> Tansey, E. A., Roe, S. M., & Johnson, C. J. (2014). The sympathetic release test: A test used to assess thermoregulation and autonomic control of blood flow. American Journal of Physiology - Advances in Physiology Education, 38(1), 87–92. von"> von"> von Arb, M., Gompper, B., Meyer, A. H., Stutz, E. Z., Orgül, S., Flammer, J., & Kräuchi, K. (2009). Relationship between gender role, anger expression, thermal discomfort and sleep onset latency in women. BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 3, 1–7. MITTELMANN,"> MITTELMANN,"> MITTELMANN, B., & WOLFF, H. G. (1943). Emotions and Skin temperature: Observations on Patients During Psychotherapeutic (Psychoanalytic) Interviews1. Psychosomatic Medicine, 5(3), 211. Hur,"> Hur,"> Hur, Y. M., Chae, J. H., Chung, K. W., Kim, J. J., Jeong, H. U., Kim, J. W., … Kim, K. S. (2012). Feeling of cold hands and feet is a highly heritable phenotype. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 15(2), 166–169. Cheung,"> Cheung,"> Cheung, S. S. (2015). Responses of the hands and feet to cold exposure. Temperature, 2(1), 105–120. Kräuchi,"> Kräuchi,"> Kräuchi, K. (2002). How is the circadian rhythm of core body temperature regulated? Clinical Autonomic Research, 12(3), 147–149. Kräuchi,"> Kräuchi,"> Kräuchi, K., Cajochen, C., Werth, E., & Wirz-Justice, A. (2000). Functional link between distal vasodilation and sleep-onset latency? American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 278(3 47-3), 741–748. Walløe,"> Walløe,"> Walløe, L. (2016). Arterio-venous anastomoses in the human skin and their role in temperature control. Temperature, 3(1), 92–103. Hunt,"> Hunt,"> Hunt, T. J., & Jhaveri, S. S. (1958). Regulation of Body Temperature. The Lancet (Fifth Edit, Vol. 271). Elsevier Inc. Van"> Van"> Van Someren, E. J. W. (2006). Chapter 18: Mechanisms and functions of coupling between sleep and temperature rhythms. Progress in Brain Research, 153, 309–324. Immatriculation"> Immatriculation"> Immatriculation : 00000005C6CB0002100000000Y
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2020-12-17 06:58:01

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La vidéo intitulée Pourquoi sortir le pied de la couette est-il si efficace ? a été publié sur Youtube le 2020-12-17 06:58:01. 10- ? efficace si est-il couette la de pied le sortir Pourquoi

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