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Radiohead - Follow Me Around (Official Video)

‘Follow Me Around’ is taken from ‘KID A MNESIA’ out 5th November via XL Recordings. Pre-order ‘KID A MNESIA’ here: Directors:"> Directors:"> Directors: Us Starring Guy Pearce Executive Producer: Maurizio Von Trapp Executive Producer: Medb Riordan Producer: Georgina Smith Production Assistant: Heza Jalloh Commissioner: Scott Wright Director’s Rep: Claire Stubbs @ Mouthpiece DOP: Molly Manning Walker Drone Operator: Harry Holmes Drone Director: Chris Bradbury Production Designer: Mark Connell Art Assistant: Johnny Savage Props Stylist: Ugne Rimaviciute Props Assistant: Jacob Lee Costumer Designer: Katie McGoldrick Hair & Make Up: Terry Grisdale 1st AD: James Sharpe 2nd AD: Chris Mears Runner: Colum Ewart Location Manager: Mark Cushman Gaffer: Bill Rae Smith Data Wrangler: Trey Robinson Medic: Jess Morris Editor: Joe Guest @ Final Cut Edit Producer: Maggie McDermott Edit Assistant: Mike Radforth Colourist: Simone Grattarola @ Time Based Arts Flame: Al Hamer VFX Producer: Sean Ewins VFX: Mishaal Memon Sound Design: Machine Cast: Michele Whitehead
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2021-11-03 06:58:01

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La vidéo intitulée Radiohead - Follow Me Around (Official Video) a été publié sur Youtube le 2021-11-03 06:58:01. 7- Video) (Official Around Me Follow - Radiohead

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