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Rafael Nadal vs Egor Gerasimov - Round 1 Highlights | Roland-Garros 2020

Rafael Nadal vs Egor Gerasimov - Round 1 Highlights | Roland-Garros 2020. Watch the best moments of the match that opposed Rafael Nadal and Egor Gerasimov at the first round of #RolandGarros 2020. Nadal won 6/4 6/4 6/2. Visit Roland Garros' official website: Subscribe to our channel: Follow us! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: This is the official YouTube Channel of Roland Garros. The tournament 2020 will run from 21 September - 11 October.
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2020-09-30 06:58:01

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La vidéo intitulée Rafael Nadal vs Egor Gerasimov - Round 1 Highlights | Roland-Garros 2020 a été publié sur Youtube le 2020-09-30 06:58:01. 9- | Highlights 1 Round - Gerasimov Egor vs Nadal Rafael

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